About Our Channel
Introduction of our channel
NHK WORLD / jibtv broadcasts NHK WORLD TV and JIB's original programs of international broadcasting.
All English TV programs
We transmit information about Japan and Asia to the world.
NHK WORLD / jibtv is broadcasting in English for foreign people overseas.
We repeat the programs 4 times a day. Broadcasting 24 hours
We broadcast the latest news every hour on the hour.
We format the schedule as 6 hours in one unit and repeat it 4 times a day.
In this way, the programs can be watched easily anywhere in the world regardless of time differences.
TV broadcasting which can be viewed in 381.3 million households.
We will continue to increase the numbers of the households which can watch our channel.
In January 2009, the number of households which can watch NHK WORLD / jibtv was 83 million. But at the end of October 2024, it was increased to 381.3 million in about 160 countries and regions all over the world. We are trying to expand the possible viewing areas by affiliating with enterprises in terrestrial digital television, IPTV, and satellite broadcasting all over the world.
Also, in jibtv’s original programs, it is possible to cosponsor the program or TV commercials.
On the internet, banner advertising is also possible.
Program distribution route

Please refer to the “How to watch” page for further information.
Positioning of Original JIB Programs and NHK International Broadcasts
NHK WORLD/jibtv is a channel comprising original programs by NHK World (NHK's international television broadcasts) and Japan International Broadcasting.
When Japan International Broadcasting began airing its original programs, private companies and others could provide programs and air commercials during those time slots.
NHK WORLD/jibtv in English (Mainly for foreigners overseas)
- 30-minute news programs at the top of the hour
- Informational programs and other content broadcast at the bottom of the hour (with some original JIB programs)
NHK WORLD Premium in Japanese (Mainly for Japanese overseas)
- Broadcasts 24 hours a day to most of the world.
- A variety of programs including entertainment, children's programs, sports, culture and arts in addition to NHK news and informational programs, delivered through cable TV stations, satellite broadcasters and other providers.
jibtv internet service
Some original JIB programs are available for viewing as VOD (Video On-Demand).
About viewing our channel
The number of potential viewing households for jibtv
24 hour coverage in approximately 381.3 million households in 160 countries and regions can view our channel.
We are trying to expand the area and spread our channel by affiliating with enterprises in satellite television, cable television, IPTV, and terrestrial digital television all over the world.
Please refer to the "How to watch" page for further information about how to view NHK WORLD / jibtv in your region.

To meet the needs in a given area where there is no television broadcasting, we offer our programs via our website.