ASEAN Now and the Future Ⅲ
Plastics in the Ocean Ep.1
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Episode One: Series Introduction and Vietnam
“ASEAN Now and the Future” is a series based on the unique perspectives of each country’s broadcasters. This year, it treats the problem of marine plastic waste. More than half of the plastic is discharged from Asian countries. The ASEAN member countries of Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand occupy top positions in the world ranking. In the series, we see the actual situation of each country.
Episode 1 introduces Vietnam Television (VTV)’s production. Vietnam has enjoyed spectacular economic growth in recent years, but its 3,000km north-south coastline is now beset by serious plastic waste pollution. The program introduces several topics, such as a project to exchange waste for money at a Green Hub regional development center, and the activities of a female student represented Vietnam at the ASEAN-Japan Centre’s “Future Leaders’ Declaration on ASEAN-JAPAN Cooperation for International Marine Plastic Waste”.