CATCH JAPAN (Mar. 2024)
Explore a colorful variety of modern Japan’s most popular topics, including food, technology, ecology and regional promotions, with a focus on the innovative ideas and passionate effort from the people behind it all.
Reducing traffic congestion, restructuring local healthcare, decarbonizing manufacturing... The 'smart city' concept aims to solve social problems through the various use of data. A project has been launched by local authorities to achieve results such as combating population decline, and Hitachi, Ltd. is supporting their efforts with digital technology.

Hara Kunio, the president of the Ho-Me-I-Ku Foundation, has innovated an educational training method based on praise, called "Ho-Me-I-Ku." More than 500 companies in Japan have introduced the method, leading to a reduction in turnover and an increase in sales. The method is also spreading worldwide and is being used in schools in Japan. Learn why Hara's practice of Ho-Me-I-Ku is so widely accepted.

Regenerative medicine, an innovative branch of healthcare that utilizes cell-based therapies, is gaining attention in Okinawa Prefecture. This segment explores efforts aimed at advancing the regenerative medicine industry while leveraging the prefecture’s unique environment and linking it to regional revitalization through medical tourism.

The AEON Environmental Foundation and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity jointly organize the MIDORI Prize for Biodiversity. One of the winners, Melina Sakiyama, who grew up familiar with the rich natural environment of Brazil, has strived to forge human connections across national boundaries as "connections of life." Sakiyama speaks about her objectives and her passion for biodiversity.